Account General

Route Capability Description
Get account info
GET /account/me
N/A Get information of an account
Update your account
PUT /account/me
N/A Update your account.
List my organizations
GET /account/organizations
N/A List the organizations you are authorized for.
Get details about an organization
GET /account/organizations/:organizations_id
N/A Get the details of an organization you are authorized for.
List inbox with pagination
GET /account/inbox
N/A List inbox with pagination.
Get details about a message in the inbox
GET /account/inbox/:inbox_id
N/A Get the details of a message in your inbox.
Delete messages
POST account/inbox/delete-messages
N/A Delete multiple messages in the users inbox.
Restore messages
POST account/inbox/undelete-messages
N/A Restore multiple messages in the users inbox.
Mark messages as read
POST account/inbox/read-messages
N/A Mark multiple messages as read in the users inbox.
Mark messages as unread
POST account/inbox/unread-messages
N/A Mark multiple messages as unread in the users inbox.
Notifications settings for messages
PUT account/me/notify-messages
N/A Notifications settings for messages to personal mailbox.
Get Courses
GET /account/settings/courses
N/A Get all the active courses without pagination.

Get account information

GET account/me 
Get the information of an account.

Request attributes

Field Type Information





Update your account

PUT  account/me 

Update your account.

Request attributes

Field Type Information
firstName string
lastName string

List my Organizations

GET account/orgnizations 

List the organizations you are authorized for.

Get details about my Organizations

GET account/orgnizations/:organizations_id 

Get the details about the organizations you are authorized for.

List inbox with pagination

 GET account/inbox 

List inbox with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
deleted integer Filter inbox by active or deleted . Standard on all.
Allowed Values0 (not deleted), 1 (deleted)
filter_by string Filter inbox by status. Standard on active.
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort inbox messages. Standard at created_at.
Allowed Valuescreated_at,sender_id,subject

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

organizations array

Filter inbox on organization id

Get details of a message in the inbox

GET account/inbox/:inbox_id 

Get the details of a message in your inbox.

Delete messages

 POST account/inbox/delete-messages 

Delete multiple messages in the users inbox.


Parameter Type Information
ids array | integer required.

Restore messages

 POST account/inbox/undelete-messages 

Restore multiple messages in the users inbox.


Parameter Type Information
ids array | integer required.

Mark messages as read

 POST account/inbox/read-messages 

Mark multiple messages as read in the users inbox.


Parameter Type Information
ids array | integer required.

Mark messages as unread

 POST account/inbox/unread-messages 

Mark multiple messages as unread in the users inbox.


Parameter Type Information
ids array | integer required.

Notifications settings for messages

 PUT account/me/notify-messages 

Notifications settings for messages to personal mailbox.


Parameter Type Information
interval integer

Set interval in days.
Allowed Values0,1,7

Get Courses

 GET account/settings/courses	

Get all the active courses without pagination.