SECURITY CHANGES in Version 6.2.10

After a 'pentest' we have seen that a lot of API developers are not using the API in the most secure way.
To obligate these developers to work secure we have made some changes in the core of our API.

Object Route Description
Passing JSONString in URL querry is deprecated, use body instead.

NEW in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description

CHANGED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
GET logs Get logs. New fields: host , body, URL_parameters
GET logs/{log_id} Get log detail.
Filter Internships by geolocation
POST /internships/:internships_id/filter/by_geolocation Filter Internships by geolocation. Changed: POST
Filter Internships by geolocation for students
POST account/student/internships/:internships_id/filter/by_geolocation Filter Internships by geolocation. Changed: POST
List Studyoptions by ov
POST /studyoptions/ov List all studyoptions by ov with pagination. Changed: POST

DEPRECATED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description