NEW in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
multiple endpoints This replaces the onderwijsvormitems endpoints.
Find studyOptions by multiple HS
GET /studyoptions/hs List all studyOptions by HS. Required parameter: hs_array

CHANGED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
List Courses
GET /courses List all Courses. Added search parameters: type,degree,ov,findParents
CAUTION: The response is altered, in this new version there is a course per course_name/ov/grade.
please read the updated documentation carefully.
Update student metadata values
PUT account/student/metadata/:studentmetadata_id New field: courses. Adds a list of courses.

DEPRECATED in Version 6.3.0

Object Route Description
Add internship component
POST /internships/:internships_id/components Only 1 parameter is deprecated: studyoptions
CAUTION: the parameter is not needed anymore when you are using the new /courses implementation, now there is a specific course per course_name/ov/grade. If you are still using the old courses list (prior to this API version update), you will need to add the studyoptions as well. This feature will be removed in the fall of 2021.
Get a Course by studyoption
GET /courses/studyoptions/:studyoptions_id Get Courses by studyoption.
all endpoints All onderwijsvormitems endpoints are deprecated. Please go to Vakkenaanbod for more information.