School Institutions

Route Capability Description
List School Institutions
GET /schoolinstitutions
schools.schoolinstitutions-list List all School Institutions.
Get School Institutions
GET /schoolinstitutions/:schoolinstitutions_id
schools.schoolinstitutions-detail Get details of a School Institution.
Get School Institutions by number
GET /schoolinstitutions/:number_id
schools.schoolinstitutions-list Get School Institution by number.
Update a School Institution
PUT /schools/:schoolinstitutions_id
schools.schoolinstitutions-update Update an existing School Institution.

List School Institutions

GET schoolinstitutions 

List all School Institutions.


Parameter Type Information
lange_naam_instelling string Search School Institutions by Institutions lange_naam_instelling.
Variantslange_naam_instelling_startswith and lange_naam_instelling_contains
deelgemeente string
Search School Institutions by Institutions deelgemeente.
Variantsdeelgemeente_startswith and deelgemeente_contains
organization_id int
Search School Institutions by Institutions organization id.
filter_by string Filter School Institutions by status.Standard on active
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
search_text string Search School Institutions by Institutions lange_naam_instelling or deelgemeente.
sort_column string

Sort School Institutions. Standard on lange_naam_instelling
Allowed Valueslange_naam_instelling,deelgemeente

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

Get a School Institution

 GET schoolinstitutions/:schoolinstitutions_id 

Get details of a School Institution.

Get a School Institution by number

 GET schoolinstitutions/:number_id 

Get details of a School Institution by number.

Update a School Institution

 PUT schools/:schoolinstitutions_id 

Update an existing School Institution.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


required, must have a valid organization_id