
Route Capability Description
List Students
GET /students
students-list List all Students with pagination.
List Students
GET /students/list-students
students-list List all Students without pagination.
Get Students
GET /students/:student_id
students-detail Get details of an Student.
Create students
POST /students
students-create Create multiple Students with given information.
Update a Student
PUT /students/:students_id
students-update Update an existing Student.
Mark as active
POST /students/:students_id/active
students-activation Mark a Student as active.
Mark as inactive
POST /students/:students_id/inactive
students-activation Mark a Student as inactive.
Mark as blocked
POST /students/block
students-blockable Mark students as blocked.
Mark as unblocked
POST /students/unblock
students-blockable Mark students as unblocked.
List Student Internships
GET /students/:students_id/internships
students.internships-list List all Student Internships.
Synchronize metadata values
PUT /students/:studentes_id/metadata
students.metadata.value-update DEPRECATED
Update metadata values
PUT /students/:studentes_id/metadata/:studentmetadata_id
students.metadata.value-update Synchronize metadata values.
Enable acceptanceMail
POST students/acceptanceMail-on
students-update Enable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.
Disable acceptanceMail
POST students/acceptanceMail-off
students-update Disable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.
Enable refusalMail
POST students/refusalMail-on
students-update Enable the field refusalMail on multiple students.
Disable refusalMail
POST students/refusalMail-off
students-update Disable the field refusalMail on multiple students.

List Students

GET students 

List all Students with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
firstName string Search Students by Students firstName.
VariantsfirstName_startswith and firstName_contains
lastName string
Search Students by lastName.
VariantslastName_startswith and lastName_contains
email e-mail
Search Students by email.
Variantsemail_startswith and email_contains
filter_by string Filter Students by status.
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
search_text string Search Students by Students firstName or lastName.
sort_column string

Sort Students. Standard on title
Allowed Valuesemail,firstName,lastName,phone,mobile,gender,birthDatecreated_at and updated_at

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

filter_by_studentgroups array Filter Students by studentgroup_id

filter_by_studentgroups must be an array of studentgroupids

List Students

GET students/list-student 

List all Students without pagination.

Get Student

GET students/:students_id 

Get details of a students.

Create Students

POST students 

Create multiple Students with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
students array required


required, must be unique, must be email format
students.firstName string
students.lastName string
required string
[100] string
students.gender string
required, Allowed Values: M,F
students.birthDate date

format: Y-m-d string
students.user_identifier string
must be unique

Sample Request

	   "email": "", 
	   "firstName": "Frank",
	   "lastName": "Franssen",
	   "phone": "+3230000003",
	   "mobile": "+32411111113",
	   "gender": "M",
	   "birthDate": "1996-06-05",
	   "email": "", 
	   "firstName": "Elsie",
	   "lastName": "Vrancken",
	   "gender": "F"

Update a Student

PUT  students/:students_id 

Update an existing Student.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


required, must be unique, must be email format
firstName string
lastName string
phone string
mobile string
gender string
required, Allowed Values: M,F
birthDate date

format: Y-m-d
city string
user_identifier string
must be unique

Delete a Student

DELETE  students/:students_id 

Delete an existing Student.

Mark as active

POST students/:students_id/active 

Mark a Student as active.

Mark as inactive

POST students/:students_id/inactive 

Mark a Student as inactive.

Mark as blocked

POST students/block 

Mark students as blocked.

Mark as unblocked

POST students/unblock 

Mark students as unblocked.

List Student Internships

GET students/:students_id/internships

List all Student Internships.

Synchronize metadata values

PUT  students/:students_id/metadata 


Update metadata values

PUT  students/:students_id/metadata/:studentmetadata_id 

Update metadata value for a student.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information


Required if the studentmetadata_id type = 1, see sample request 1

courses array of courses id's Required if the studentmetadata_id type = 2, see sample request 2.
This should be an array of child courses id's.
Parent courses id's can still be passed (all child courses will be attached in this case), but this will become deprecated by the end of 2021.

Sample Request 1

"value":"Ik ben oud student Broederschool Stekene"

Sample Request 2


Enable acceptanceMail

POST students/acceptanceMail-on 

Enable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
students array An array of student_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.

Sample Request


Disable acceptanceMail

POST students/acceptanceMail-off 

Disable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
students array An array of student_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.

Sample Request


Enable refusalMail

POST students/refusalMail-on 

Enable the field refusalMail on multiple students.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
students array An array of student_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.

Sample Request


Disable refusalMail

POST students/refusalMail-off 

Disable the field refusalMail on multiple students.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
students array An array of student_id that exists in the organization where you are working for.

Sample Request
