Student Groups

Route Capability Description
List Student Groups
GET /studentgroups
students.groups-list List all Studentsgroups with pagination.
Get Student Group
GET /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id
students.groups-detail Get details of an Student Group.
Create Student Group
POST /studentgroups
students.groups-create Create a Student Group.
Update Student Group
PUT /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id
students.groups-update Update a Student Group.
Delete Student Group
DELETE /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id
students.groups-delete Delete a Student Group
Attach Students to a Student Group
POST /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students
students.groups-attach Attach students to a Student Group.
Detach Students to a Student Group
DELETE /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students
students.groups-detach Detach Students from a Student Group.
Synchronize Students for a Student Group
PUT /studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students
students.groups-sync Synchronize Students for a Student Group

List Student groups

GET studentgroups 

List all Student groups with pagination.


Parameter Type Information
name string Search Students groups by Student groups name.
Variantsname_startswith and name_contains
description string
Search Students groups by description.
Variantsdescription_startswith and description_contains
filter_by string Filter Student groups by status. Standard on active.
Allowed Valuesallactiveinactive
sort_column string

Sort Student groups. Standard on name
Allowed Valuesname,description

sort_order string

Sort order. Standard on ASC
Allowed ValuesASC,DESC

filter_by_studentgroups array Filter Students by studentgroup_id

filter_by_studentgroups must be an array of studentgroupids

Get Student group

 GET studentgroups/:studentgroup_id 

Get details of a Student group.

Create Student groups

 POST studentgroups 

Create Student groups with given information.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
name string



Sample Request

	   "name": "studentgroup01", 
	   "description": "This is the student group for the first students."

Update a Student group

 PUT studentgroups/:studentgroup_id 

Update an existing Student group.

Request attributes

Parameter Type Information
name string



Delete a Student group

 DELETE studentgroups/:studentgroup_id 

Delete an existing Student group.

Attach Students to a Student group

   POST studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students 

Attach Students to a Student group.

Request attributes

Field Type Information


required, must have a valid id and must be active

Detach Students to a Student group

  DELETE studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students

Detach a Student from a Student group.

Request attributes

Field Type Information


required, must have a valid id and must be active

Synchronize Students for a Student Group

 PUT studentgroups/:studentgroup_id/students

Synchronize Students for a Student Group.

Sample Request