NEW in Version 5.6.0

Object Route Description
Enable acceptanceMail
POST students/acceptanceMail-on
Enable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.
Disable acceptanceMail
POST students/acceptanceMail-off
Disable the field acceptanceMail on multiple students.

CHANGED in Version 5.6.0

Object Route Description
List students
GET students
There is a new field.

If the field acceptanceMail is set to on, an e-mail will be sent to student by acceptance of the internship.
Get student details
GET students/{student_id}
There is a new field.

If the field acceptanceMail is set to on, an e-mail will be sent to student by acceptance of the internship.
List internships
GET organizations/{organization_id}/internships
There is a new field.

The field acceptanceMailDate shows the date when an e-mail will be sent to student by acceptance of the internship (only when the setting is checked on student profile)
Get internship details
GET internships/{internship_id} There is a new field.

The field acceptanceMailDate shows the date when an e-mail will be sent to student by acceptance of the internship (only when the setting is checked on student profile)
Create internship header
POST internships/header

There is a new field, not mandatory.
Insert acceptanceMailDate
Validation: date|date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday

Update internship header
PUT internships/{internship_id}/header

There is a new field, not mandatory.
Insert acceptanceMailDate
Validation: date|date_format:Y-m-d|after:yesterday

DEPRECATED in Version 5.6.0

Object Route Description